A recessed light or down light is a light fixture that is installed into a hollow opening in a ceiling. When fitted, it appears to have light glowing from a hole in the ceiling, concentrating the light in a downward direction as a broad floodlight or narrow spotlight. There are two parts to recessed lights, the trim and housing. The trim is the visible portion of the light. There is a thin lining around the edge of the light and can be seen when we look up. The housing is the light fixture itself which is fitted inside the ceiling and contains the lamp holder. When trims were created for a varieties of applications, then recessed lighting styles were evolved . You could find recessed lighting trim with the standard baffle in black or white, that is the most common. To absorb extra light and create a crisp appearance, these are made.
There are cone trims that produce a low-brightness aperture. The Omni-directional light from "A" style incandescent bulbs are controlled by multipliers. Lens trim is made to provide a diffused light and shield the lamp. Wet locations have lensed trims there. The luminous trims merge the diffused quality of lensed trim but with an open down light component. Adjustable trim allows for the adjustment of the light whether it is eyeball style, which protrudes from the trim or gimbal ring style, which adjusts inside the recess. These lights provide full versatility. Lastly, there are the wall-washer trims, which are designed to eliminate the often seen "scalloped light effect". Recessed lights are placed on the ceilings, chandeliers hang on a wall, lamps which are placed in the corners. Cozy and complacent environment is created by this recessed light.
They not just have this but recessed lights even serve as a fantastic interior. Recessed lights can be fixed on any surfaces. Since the art design is not static and offers numerous options to invent, recessed lighting produces the perfect designing solutions. Recessed lighting allows us to observe how familiar premise acquires an all together unusual appearance. For the disposition of recessed lights ceilings, walls, furniture as well as the floor are commonly utilized. With the surface of the fixture, these can acquire unique appearances. Most often recessed lights are clamped on the ceilings. When the recessed lighting is used with a mirror and a white raster the uniqueness of this lighting can be seen. This structure of lighting allows lighting up various regions of your room with uncommon and inexplicable lighting. Due to the light weight of the recessed lighting these are used with all kinds of suspended ceilings without additional clamping. Pick the recessed lighting with fluorescent lamps or halogen according to your personal preferences and tastes. You would be surprised to look at your room or apartment after you go for recessed LED Low Bay Lamp Manufacturer lighting. And you can be assured of that!
Article Tags: Recessed Lights, Recessed Lighting
Antler lamps are one of the most beautiful accessories available for western d?cor. So much more than a lighting fixture, antler lamps bring life to your room. If you have a cabin or mountain home, the rustic character of antlers with their beautiful shapes and variety of natural color will give your space the distinctive western look you desire.
Ranch owners as well as those Lamp Heat Sinks supplier building modern log homes have recognized antler lamps for years as the must have lighting to complete their rustic home look. Because of the smooth curves of antler lamps and chandeliers there is a natural beauty inherent in the antlers themselves that compliments perfectly any type of southwestern or western furniture. There is a dynamic with antler lamps that seems to pull every element together and firmly ground the room as a sophisticated rustic space. Antler lamps have a magic about them that seems to add balance and focus.
Antler lamps also compliment many other rustic elements for rustic d?cor. In the Northwest or ?north woods? style antlers may be added to snow shoes and complimented with rawhide lamp shades to fashion fabulous wall sconces. The light wood and rawhide lacing of the shoe along with the leather binding and hand stitched shade with its warm glow make a perfect harmony. Weather you prefer to compliment your antler lamp with southwestern light rawhide shades or western style dark rawhide lampshades, the choice is yours and the result will be stunning.
Small antler chandeliers may be made from white tail deer antlers while large chandeliers may have several tiers of huge elk antlers. Weather your space is large or small an antler chandelier will bring the old west home. In Jackson Hole, WY the town square is adorned with antler arches made from Elk antlers that are shed each spring. It is truly unique and you can capture the same spirit in your special area.
The idea of being exposed to culture turns the stomachs of many kids and even quite a few adults. They picture stuffy events surrounded by people who are out of touch with reality. They think of rich people wandering around eating strange foods and talking about things that are not at all interesting. The truth is, there are fun ways to have cultural experiences and be exposed to different lifestyles without feeling like you are being judged by a room full of snobs. The trick is to try a lot of different experiences and decide which one you enjoy the most. If you are trying to help High Bay manufacturer a child make cultural discoveries, it is important to make the process fun so they will have a good impression. If you force them into experiences, they will lose interest quickly and they may grow to resent a variety of things they may otherwise have found interesting. Start by asking them if there is something they have always wanted to learn. Maybe you have had an instrument in your home for years and while piano lamps attract the attention of adults, kids will barely notice something just because of a piano lamp. Find ways to get them interested in learning an instrument or another art.
Next, if they will be learning something new, make sure their teacher is fun. If you enroll them in a class or in lessons and the teacher is cold or stern, the child may lose interest in the lessons. While strict teachers often help a student learn, if you are simply trying to expose your child to experiences, a stern teacher may backfire. Allow the child to be comfortable with their new experiences so they will have a passion for learning.
Kids can get bored easily, so make sure they have a variety of cultural experiences from which to choose. One day one of the experiences may lead to a hobby, but for the time being, you are just trying to expose the child to the experience. Consider short classes in art, short field trips to museums or performances, or fun ways of doing things like puppet shoes instead of Broadway plays. Children have short attention spans, so it is important to make their attention work for you and not against you.
You can also turn regular experiences into fun games. Instead of sitting your child down with a history book, make history come alive with a scavenger hunt, a party, or a re-enactment experience. Education movies can be a lot of fun when seen at the Imax theater or in an interactive film studio where there is movement or 3D effects.
Finally, let your child have some control. If they prefer going to a play over taking instrument lessons, there is no reason to force them to play. The important thing is the exposure and the learning experience. It can be tough to give up control when you are a parent, but focus on your ultimate goal and allow your child to guide the way in which you get there.
"Only when one's inner lamp is lit can the lamp of Dharma be lit."
How can one light one's inner lamp? If we wish to light the lamp, we must first locate where is the wick? It is the heart of the lamp that can manifest light. After locating the wick, the lamp can only be lit by directing the spark or flame towards it. Similarly, we can be enlightened by external sources of illumination when we find the heart of our soul that can be lit. Where is this point of our soul that can emanate light once it is illuminated?
In the Gospel of Matthew (6:22), Jesus said,
"The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light."
In the subsequent English translated versions of the Bible, the singular 'eye' referred to in this verse have been changed to plural 'eyes'. However, the earlier King James Version describes it otherwise. It qualifies the description of this eye with the statement, "?if therefore thine eye be single". Copper Tube Heat Sink Suppliers From this we can see it is not referring to the physical eyes that we possess. Neither our left eye nor right eye acts as the lamp of the body. It is our spiritual eye, which is the wick that must be located and ignited, if we want to light the lamp of our bodies.
Our spirituality originates from divinity and it must be restored to its original nature before our soul can achieve transcendence and enlightenment. Man has always been searching for this wick since time immemorial. After having found it he still has to seek the right way to illuminate it so that it can be connected with the absolute realm of divinity. In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, it is known as the opening of the Divine Eye or Third Eye. To light up this eye, it is done by the fire and Holy Spirit through the divine ceremony formalized by Heaven.
According to research in the West, when people undergo transcendental experiences, there are immense fields of energy which seem to be originating from a spot in front of the brain. The scientists said the results appeared to show that the phenomenon of religious belief could be in-built in humans and they described it as the "God Spot" in the brain. It can readily be tuned to and receive the signals from God. This "God Spot" is the wick and the Divine Eye where the soul resides. It has to be awakened in order for the inner lamp to be lit. It is the door that can unlock the mysteries of the universe. It is the eye that can see through the illusive and temporal nature of the material world.
The essence of truth can be fully realized once the inner lamp is lit. Receiving the divine heart teaching from the Master is like gaining the key to unlock the door that can lead us towards eternal life. We cannot see the sun if it is covered by the clouds in the day likewise the moon in the night. Our inability to perceive and realize truth is due to our judgement being clouded by the veil of ignorance.
We can achieve faster spiritual growth when we have been illuminated by truth. That is why Buddha said that only when one's inner lamp is lit can the lamp of Dharma be lit. When the inner lamp is lit, it is like the wind has blown away the clouds where we can then see the sun and or the moon. The day will be bright with blue sky and the night serene with bright light of the moon. Whatever we see will be cleared and not clouded with doubts. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.
This is the saying of my Heavenly Teacher JiGong:
"Through the Pointing-Out (lighting the inner lamp) from the Ming-Shi (Bright Master), one has already 'surpassed the bondage of birth'. Yet what immediately follows is to subdue the old-habits that one has accumulated through one's numerous past lives, and to root out the barriers of vexations. Otherwise, one still cannot put an end to the bondage of death and will still be flowing and turning in the midst of the Samsara (worlds of birth and death)."
To seek for Tao is to have our inner lamps lit. 'Ming Shi' means the Bright Master who has the Heavenly Decree from God to carry out the transmission of Tao and this is another saying of JiGong:
"Immediately at the moment one seeks Tao (receives the seal of the Living God by lighting the inner lamp), everyone has been revealed and understood the nature of one's Essential Body (Inner Being). It is only due to the veil of the knowledge-barrier that one cannot realize clearly the empty-nature of the Inner Being. Hence, one must constantly observe and turn the light inwardly to oneself (self-check) to remove this barrier. Proceed first with the mind and the subconscious (detect and check every thought rising from the bottom of the heart). Then turn and step into the State of Emptiness. But take heed that you don't dwell on the empty-state, and that you don't float one-sidedly within Good & Evil and Luck & Guilt."
State of Emptiness: Emptiness here does not mean nothingness. Although one's Essential Body or Mind (Inner Being) looks empty, it is not really empty. The Zen Bible says: The capacity of mind is as extensive and large as that of space. The Self-Nature (Inner Being) is great because it embraces all things, since all things are within our nature.
Good & Evil and Luck & Guilt: The nature of the Inner Being is all good. If everyone obeys the conscience and realize that doing "Good" is just one's bounded duty, "Evil and Guilt" will not exist. Then, nobody is doing "Good" because "Good" is only an opposite term to "Evil." If one dwells on one's "good deeds" and seeks "Luck" from doing good, then one does not understand the real nature of the Inner Being.
The teaching is deep and profound although it looks simple. Emptiness itself is not easy to understand but by lighting of the Inner Lamp, one will get to understand more easily the mysteries of the universe and the way to eternity.